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boa arc en ciel????? 
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Inscription: Mar Jan 20, 2009 7:34 pm
Messages: 284
Age: 31
Sexe: Homme
Message boa arc en ciel?????
petite question sur cette espece

can they be hold in some breeding racks like my ball pythons ???
if i spray theme like im supose to do

thanks shawn


Lun FĂ©v 09, 2009 3:20 pm
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Inscription: Mar Mar 06, 2007 8:06 pm
Messages: 3256
Localisation: sous-sol
Age: 51
Sexe: Homme
why spray theme ????

keep theme like a boa ..bowl of water and scott towel ...

no need of spray ......STOP SPRAYING YOUR SNAKE i dont know why people do that ..

no need for more thats it ......same temp everything ..

people and the net will tell you to keep the terra moist but its not right ...

just like a bci and everything will be fine


grosse vie sale ...

Lun FĂ©v 09, 2009 3:23 pm
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Inscription: Jeu Mar 24, 2005 5:17 pm
Messages: 7574
Localisation: Montréal
Age: 46
Sexe: Homme
Yes you can keep them in racks, the only things is that if you spray and there is not enough ventilation, this can cause problems. So, just be careful about humidity, for an example, in plastic back, I always put a heat pad below the back and put a part of the water bowl on it to make some humidity, you can aslo put a back with Sphagnum moss that you keep humid, just make a hole in the lid so your Boa will be able to get in when he needs humidity.

I hope it helps, good luck with your BRB. :wink:

Mathieu alias Leiopython
La nature, c'est Dieu qui s'exprime!

Lun FĂ©v 09, 2009 3:26 pm
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